Super short post today: Today marks 7 years lugging my camera bag and stick (monopod) to every event and shoot as Aperture Lane! 🎉🎊⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I’m not gonna lie: Year 7 sucked (thanks, COVID…) … but it’s that “suckage” that I’m sure God will use to give me the perspective to appreciate the silver lining […]
In an industry where most of the popular imagery in magazines, social platforms, and influential personalities is white, I can sometimes feel out of place as a professional who is a visual minority. In light of the blackout Tuesday conversations happening, I’d love to briefly share my experience here.
This meeting with this prospective couple, Ben and Alisha, was going well. The three of us sat in the coffee shop sipping on our peppermint teas with ever-flowing conversation. We hopped between “getting-to-know-you” and “wedding planning” topics, smiling ear to ear accented with frequent bouts of laughter. It was such a good connection that I […]
Along with the numerous photography difficulties of documenting a live event, capturing good video comes with the added challenge of recording good sound so the final product not only looks good, but sounds good too. Ride along with me and Tristan as we film a wedding with it’s own audio quirks. If you’re interested in […]